Wednesday, December 3, 2008


I fear blogging.I admit I watch the bad girls club it could be worse, I could admit I watch the Hills. On a recent episode the new girl blogged about her new supposed friend exposing all her faults and weaknesses. Which was later found by her so called friend. The words cut deep, true feelings expressed to a closed group of friends and family, cut deep by the one who was never to know. Soon later the friendship turned into hate. No longer did they care. I admit I am one not to always watch my words, and yes I will write what I feel. Sometimes those feelings should be keep to a close group and even in the confines of words in a journal. So I say this to who ever reads this blog. I am sorry if what ever I say harms you in some way! With that said I start my first blog.
Ok maybe not my very first blog...haha, but the past is the past so lets just hit the restart key and start fresh. And if no one reads this I'm ok with that...because if anything this blog is as much for me than for anyone else. But if you do however read and feel like saying something please I love comments! If you liked me great let me hear it, hated what I said and think I'm a idiot cool tell me about it! So please sit back and enjoy!

1 comment:

Roy Joy said...

you know i think i get to know a lot more of what is going though your ever silent head when you blog! it's interesting!