Sunday, December 7, 2008 don't know me!

When I leave this life, I hope to leave some sort of legacy. Right now I see it only as my wisdom for others. Please don’t think I know everything, or pretend to, but I do have a lot of experiences that I hope some people just don’t go through and I hope a little of what I have to say will seep into others minds. I love the quote about learning from others mistakes makes you a wise man so you don’t have to learn from your own. Well I hope you learn something from my thoughts so that you may be a wiser man than me.

There has been something on my mind for the past few months that I wish to expand on. It is the concept of justice. I know what I’m about to say sounds simple but sometimes the simple things are the things that tend to slip by us and become ignored.

Justice is simply the quality of being just or fair. Being the youngest of 6 kids I would always be running to my mom or dad telling them that I wanted to go somewhere or to do something and had them tell me no because they didn’t think it good or their trust was worn down by older siblings. So my reply would be but it’s not fair, and in response they would tell me life’s not fair. As much as I hated hearing those words they ring a truth. This I had to find the hard way knowing that as much as I want justice for the things that have happened in my life there is none. I want so much for those who had done me wrong to pay but they will not. To see the real crimes go unpunished brings a sickness to my stomach. I get so frustrated that I lay punished for something that I did not do. To have people who don’t know me have power to change my life. To have them tell me what is best for me. Ha! I laugh at the thought in a sickening sigh. Life isn’t fair, isn’t that so true and the only thing that keeps me going is the faith that someday everyone will be judged by one who knows them the best, even the intent of their hearts. Finally at that day I will plead for mercy not justice. But I know the lord will look upon my heart to see the intent to do good, and grant me that mercy. At that day I believe this will be a personal session. What have I learned these past months and things I continue to learn is that Justice will come and the Lord will choose but for me to receive mercy I must forgive those I seek justice after! So that is my life struggle!

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